Monday, September 21, 2009

Confinement lady

Whoo, what a sweat for the past few days. Our original confinement lady went to Jakarta to work and left us with another CL. Its quite annoying knowing that our hopes is pass on to someone that we do not know how good her skills and experience are.

For the past few days, we went browing in internet for more subsitutes and we even ask relatives to help out. In the end a few CLs came back but we decided to go back to the original CL that was replaced for us. What a pity.

Anyway, it was a good experience for us in looking at how CLs work and what are their requirements. Hopefully it will be better next time.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

7 month gynae vist

This morning we went to visit our gynae. By now Emily is 7 months pregnant. We woke up early this morning to be the first in line. But somehow we still have to wait for an hour for the doctor to show up. (And we were 2nd in line). Anyway, everything looks fine and the baby is also good. Doctor has confirm it is a girl and from the scan, she has already turn down ready for delivery. Guess she cant wait to come out :) .

Well doc too mention for Emily to cut down on diet as she is over weight by 3 kgs. Dont really know why this doctor is so particular, have some friends who are overweight more than that and their gynae didnt mention anything.

Anyway the next visit is 3 weeks later.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

First Posting

This will be a site for Kenneth and Emily's family and life. We will post any events or happenings about us.

Please give your sincere feedback.